Which is Healthier? Palm Sugar or Granulated Sugar?

In daily life, sugar is a common ingredient found in various foods and drinks. The two most commonly used types of sugar are palm sugar and granulated sugar. They have significant differences in terms of source, manufacturing process, nutritional content, and health benefits. This article will discuss which is healthier between palm sugar and granulated sugar.

Palm Sugar

Palm sugar is a natural type of sugar derived from the sap of coconut tree flower buds. Its production involves heating the sap to remove water content, resulting in a thick syrup that is then reduced to crystals. Palm sugar is known for its minimal refining process and does not use chemicals.

The main advantage of palm sugar lies in its rich nutritional content. It contains various minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, manganese, and copper. Additionally, palm sugar also contains small amounts of phytonutrients like polyphenols, flavonoids, and anthocyanidins, which act as antioxidants. The B vitamins found in palm sugar, especially inositol, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, and choline, provide additional health benefits. Palm sugar contains 16 amino acids, the same ones found in the sap.

One factor that makes palm sugar healthier than granulated sugar is its low glycemic index, around 35. A low glycemic index means this sugar is absorbed more slowly by the body, which can prevent insulin spikes. Furthermore, palm sugar contains dietary fiber known as inulin, which helps maintain blood sugar levels and has a low fructose content.

Granulated Sugar

Granulated sugar, on the other hand, is the most commonly known and used type of sugar. It comes from sugarcane and undergoes an intensive refining process. Granulated sugar is available in various granule sizes, from very fine to coarse.

The nutritional content of granulated sugar is simpler compared to palm sugar. Granulated sugar primarily provides calories as a quick energy source for the body in the form of glucose. However, granulated sugar does not contain fat, protein, fiber, sodium, or micronutrients such as minerals or vitamins. The glycemic index of granulated sugar is higher, around 68, meaning it is quickly absorbed by the body and can cause rapid insulin spikes.

Which is Healthier?

If we compare the nutritional content and glycemic index of these two types of sugar, palm sugar can be considered healthier than granulated sugar. Palm sugar offers more vitamins, minerals, and beneficial phytonutrients. Additionally, its low glycemic index makes it safer for long-term consumption because it does not cause significant blood sugar spikes.

However, it is important to remember that even though palm sugar is healthier than granulated sugar, sugar consumption should still be limited. Both palm sugar and granulated sugar are sweeteners that can have negative health impacts if consumed excessively. The glycemic index can also vary for each individual and depends on how the food is cooked and other ingredients used in the meal.

In most cases, palm sugar is often mixed or prepared with other ingredients containing carbohydrates. Therefore, it is crucial to control and limit sugar consumption in daily meals.


In conclusion, palm sugar can be considered a healthier choice compared to granulated sugar due to its better nutritional content and lower glycemic index. However, wisdom in consuming sugar is still necessary to maintain overall body health.









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